Floss McFarland is the central character in the highly successful “Floss” series of fun-filled, action-packed novels (with a smattering of ‘raunch’ for good measure). The novels centre around the cases and mishaps of Cut The Blue Investigations or CTB for short.
Floss grew up in Clontarf, an upper class Dublin suburb, which bucks the trend in socio economic balance between Dublin’s north and south sides. Schooled in an all-girl convent school, she has a tendency toward uselessness where the male of the sex are concerned. Her sex life has been described by friends as a slowly moving train crash. Floss would describe herself as a 7 out of 10 on the attractiveness scale, but the reaction of guys and gals alike in the novel, suggest she might be selling herself short. She has a small petite frame, a mop of unruly black curly hair, massive bright blue eyes, milk-white skin and no boobs. She’s a qualified actuary who, at the tender age of 30 and against the advice of all who know her, decided to jack in her ridiculously high salary in pursuit of a new start as a private detective. And so CTB Investigations was born. When we encounter Floss in the first book in the series, “Cut the Blue”, we find her struggling with her fledgling business of only one year and contemplating the wisdom or her career change. Although she may be down, she is most definitely not out. The last thing Floss wants is to prove her mother right. Floss is aided and abetted by a host of colourful characters: Leon the Giant Horse-Dog, loyal assistant Penny Firth, the mysterious and delicious Tash, knee-melting bad boy Milo McCarthy, Whacker the local scum bag and many more........... |